40 Mount_TIM Website
40 Mount Street, North Sydney

Tenant Information Manual

Safety, Health
and Environment

The safety of building occupants, workers and visitors is important to Investa. As such, there are several important guidelines to be complied with during your occupation of the building. These include:

  • Ensuring that staff, and visitors behave in accordance with the Building Rules and requirements;
  • Ensuring that any tenant contractors follow directions set out in the generic Vendor Induction Manual and relevant signage posted around this building.
  • Ensuring that fit-out works are conducted in accordance with this manual, all relevant Workplace Health and Safety and Environmental Acts and Regulations and as directed by the Facilities Management Team.
  • Complying with all reasonable directions of the Building Management Team and Fire Wardens during an emergency.

Reporting Unsafe Conditions

Investa undertakes a rigorous building inspection program designed to ensure that we provide a safe environment for our building occupants and contractors. However, safety and environmental issues can arise from time to time, and we therefore ask that building occupants report any identified issues to the building management team via a Tenant Service Request in Investa Connect.

TIM Safety


In accordance with legislation, smoking cigarettes and e-cigarettes is not permitted in the following areas:

  • Enclosed public places, such as restaurants, cafes, pubs or nightclubs.
  • Enclosed workplaces
  • Outdoor dining areas when food is available for consumption.
  • Within 7 metres of a pedestrian access point to a public building.
  • We ask that all building occupants ensure they smoke well away from building entrances.

For further information, please visit your relevant state health department site.

Please also be aware that it is the policy of Investa that all areas within our buildings (including external spaces, such as balconies) are smoke-free, unless otherwise designated as smoking areas.


All works conducted by Investa within our buildings are subject to applicable legislation and Australian Standards. All contractors are required to be inducted into the building and Investa rules. All contractors have their safety plans reviewed and sign into the building prior to commencing works.

The purpose of the induction process is to communicate and reinforce Investa’s commitment to workplace health and safety, and Environmental protection. The procedures and practices outlined during the induction process assist in raising safety awareness, enable a coordinated approach to WHS at all Investa’s properties and facilitate WHS performance measurement, benchmarking, and continuous improvement.


Safe Work Method Statements

Contractors must ensure that copies of Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS) are provided to the Facilities Manager for all activities to be undertaken in base building areas by the contractor or other companies or persons engaged by it.

Workers must ensure that prior to commencement of work, the SWMS:

  • Is reviewed to ensure it adequately describes the activity being conducted.
  • Is provided to the Facilities Manager for acceptance.

Works undertaken

Works Undertaken by Tenant Contractors within the Base Building

You must ensure that workers under your control (including sub-contractors and workers engaged by them) understand and comply with applicable WHS legislation and associated regulations.

Prior to conducting activities in base building areas, Tenants are to ensure that their contractors:

  • Are inducted to, and acknowledge, Investa’s rules prior to commencing works. This process takes approximately 20 minutes to complete and will only be conducted with prior arrangement. Rules and requirements for working in base building areas are available in the Contractor Induction Manual.
  • Provide Safe Work Method Statements for review and acceptance.
  • Comply with all reasonable safety directions provided by Investa.
  • Are appropriately licensed and/or trained to conduct the works that they are completing.
  • Contractors and their Workers who fail to observe the requirements of applicable WHS legislation may be required to leave the workplace. Workers who do not also comply with any reasonable instructions issued or requested by an Investa employee or their designate, may also be asked to cease works or leave site.

Works Undertaken within your Tenancy.

Works that are conducted within your areas are under the operational control of you. As such, it is important to note that you are a Person Conducting a Business or Undertaking (PCBU) and are responsible for ensuring compliance to WHS and Environmental Legislation and Regulations for all works undertaken by you or your contractors.
When engaging vendors and workers to conduct activities within your tenancy, the following minimum requirements apply:
  1. WHS risks are assessed and controlled to ensure workers, visitors, base building infrastructure and other tenants remain safe.
  2. Adequate supervision of workers is provided (including any sub-contractors, consultants, visitors) to ensure their compliance with applicable WHS and Environmental legislation and associated regulations.
  3. Must ensure adequate management processes are implemented for handling, storage or transport of plant and substances
  4. Participate in Safety Health and Environmental consultation meetings/processes as required by Investa.
  5. Notify the Building Management Team when planning to undertake any works that may require shut down or isolation of any of the following services:
      • Fire Systems
      • Electrical Systems
      • Water Systems
      • Air conditioning systems.
  6. Ensuring that safe means of access and egress to the work area is maintained.

Should you wish to carry out day-to-day repairs or maintenance within your tenancy, we encourage you to engage the preferred vendors, consultants and technicians of Investa to perform the works. Our contractors are familiar with the building’s systems and safety requirements and are already site inducted, which is advantageous when planning or performing works.

The preferred vendors of Investa can be engaged via either of the following methods:

  • By submitting an Investa Connect Help Desk request – Building Management will then liaise with the vendor on your behalf to arrange for the works to be carried out. Building Management will seek your approval regarding associated costs, which would then be re-charged to you as a sundry charge on the monthly rental invoice, or
  • By contacting the vendor, technician or consultant directly and arranging the required tenancy works. The contractor, technician or consultant can then invoice you directly.
The contractor section has a list of preferred consultants, contractors and service technicians at the building. As this online list will be updated periodically, we encourage you to retain the link, so it is readily accessible to your relevant staff. Should you wish to discuss contractor engagement further, please contact the Building Management Team.

Fitout Works

When undertaking fit-out works where activities extend to common areas or base building services; the work is occurring in the base building and that all requirements apply as noted in the section Works Undertaken by Tenant Vendors in the Base Building.

Work practices which are unacceptable under, or are in breach of, the terms of applicable WHS and Environmental legislation and regulations, will not be tolerated by Investa. Any contractor engaged by a tenant of Investa who fails to observe the provisions of applicable WHS and Environmental legislation and any associated regulations, may be required to leave the workplace unless the unacceptable conduct or breach is immediately rectified.

It is recommended that the base building consultants are engaged by the tenants for Building Certification and Accessibility consultancy services regarding CDC and other Council applications for tenancy fitout works.

Emergency planning

Your Obligations as Tenants

Emergency Response Procedures and training are essential to the life safety of all building occupants during times of emergency. You have specific obligations and are required to participate in the ongoing emergency management program which includes regular building evacuation and emergency planning training.

There is an obligation for all tenants to:

  • Implement emergency procedures to address emergencies occurring in areas under their control (in their own tenancy).
  • Ensure staff participate in emergency evacuation exercises.
  • Provide enough numbers of wardens from each level within your tenancy.
  • Ensure these wardens attend 6 monthly warden training.
  • Ensure that a warden attends the annual Emergency Planning Committee meeting.

Tenant Responsible Person (TRP)

Each tenant is required to nominate a ‘Tenant Responsible Person’ (TRP) to coordinate contacts within your tenancy to meet the obligations described in this document.

Please provide the contact details for the Tenant Responsible Person to the Building Management Team. Our service provider (Hendry) will then provide the Tenant Responsible Person access to our on-line administration system and guide them through the process.

Floor Wardens

Floor wardens are responsible for the coordination of your staff and communication with the building’s Chief Warden during emergency situations. Each tenancy is required to nominate enough floor wardens to perform these duties (guidance will be provided by our service provider).

Once the Tenant Responsible Person has been assigned, they will be asked to provide a list of Floor Wardens including their locations and contact details. The Tenant Responsible Person will be then required to maintain the register on an ongoing basis to ensure that the warden lists are kept up to date.

Wardens are required to attend training every 6 months and will be sent a reminder of the planned training dates and times via our web-based platform and via the tenant broadcast system.

Additional Training

Additional warden, bomb threat or fire extinguisher training can be arranged. If you require these services, you may contact the Building Management Team via the Investa Connect Help Desk, who can arrange this with our preferred service provider. Costs are on-charged to you as a sundry charge on the monthly rental invoice.

Emergency Control Organisation (ECO)

Every Investa building has an Emergency Control Organisation (ECO) to respond during times of emergency. For specific details on the accountabilities of this committee, please contact your property manager. The buildings emergency control organisation (ECO) is comprised of:

  • Chief Warden (Facilities Manager).
  • Deputy Chief Warden (Property Manager).
  • Communications Officer (Duty Security Officer).
  • Emergency Executive (Senior Facilities Manager and Facilities Manager).
  • Engineering Coordinator (Facilities Manager)
  • Wardens (appointed by the Tenant’s Management and/or the EPC member representing the respective tenant).
  • Runners (Building Management Team Staff).

Emergency Planning Committee (EPC)

Every Investa building has an Emergency Planning Committee (EPC), which meets at least once every 12 months to provide oversight to emergency planning processes. For specific details on the accountabilities of this committee, please contact your Property Manager.

The building emergency planning committee (EPC) is comprised of:

  • Emergency Executive / Coordinator (represented by the Senior Facilities Manager and Facilities Manager).
  • Chief Warden (Facilities Manager)
  • One representative of each of the occupant groups (commercial tenants).
  • Evacuation Services (consultant/advisor).
The building EPC members from the occupant groups are not identified in this publication. Names are made available to EPC members and nominated tenant representatives only. It is the responsibility of each tenant to ensure their EPC member is known to their wardens and management, as the nominated EPC member is the conduit between the ECO, EPC and tenant management.

Other Documents and Notes

All Investa properties have an Emergency Procedures Manual (EPM) that is specific to the building that provides detailed information on emergency planning, policies and procedures for the building. Electronic copies of the Emergency Procedures Manual can be requested from building management and will also be available to all wardens via our online administration system.

Evacuation diagrams are provided in common areas of all floors. These diagrams provide the location of fire equipment within common areas and egress paths from the location of the diagram as well as the location of the assembly area and egress path from the building to the assembly area.

In the case of an emergency all wardens are required to be identifiable using red (for wardens) and yellow (for floor wardens) helmets. These are usually located in a fire cupboard on each floor in the common areas of the building. Please contact building management if you require more helmets for your wardens.

Evacuation Assembly Areas

The primary emergency evacuation assembly area for the building is shown in the diagram below and in cases of emergency, your staff will be directed to those areas by trained wardens.

When an evacuation occurs, it is important that your staff follow directions to, and remain at, the assembly area. This allows for staff to be easily notified of when it is safe to re-occupy the building.

40 Mount_EVAC MAP