If someone within the building suffers from a sudden cardiac arrest, emergency services should be contacted immediately (call ‘000’). Once emergency services have been notified, the AED device can be used to treat the patient.
A defibrillator is an automated device that delivers an electric shock designed to restart a person’s heart if they have suffered from Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA). The survival rate for people suffering SCA is between 2% and 5%, which dramatically increases, depending on how quickly a defibrillator is used to restart the person’s heart.
While training is not required for the use of a defibrillator, it is available. If you wish to familiarise yourself with the device and undertake this training, please visit the following link www.defibtech.com.au/education
All FM staff are trained in providing first aid, including the use of defibrillators; however, use of the defibrillator should not be delayed in an attempt to find a first aid trained operator, as this dramatically decreases the survival rate of the patient.
To operate the device, simply take the AED to the patient, and press the green power button. From that point on, the unit will guide the treatment process.